ABM Social Selling Success Board
This interactive board was created in collaboration between 3M and Momentum Data.

It highlights the main successes and insights from the highly effective ABM Social Selling programs run together globally since 2020 as part of 3M's demand generation strategy.
In 2020, Dave Williams, Global Marketing Manager Privacy Solutions, needed an innovative way to drive interest after the pandemic.

He chose ABM Social Selling with Momentum Data as it could achieve account-based targeting at scale.

The first campaigns saw immediate success by offering free samples to key targets that were difficult to reach via other channels.

As a result, new campaigns expanded through IATD and PSD, through Europe and then quickly into APAC and the Americas.
3 years later, 3M has used Momentum Data's campaigns to target 102 countries globally across SIBG, TEBG, HCBG.

89 sales reps' profiles have been leveraged, growing the collective 3M network by 21,000 new, relevant and qualified connections.

Campaign tactics include awareness, consideration and conversion, all achieved by organic reach on LinkedIn.

18 campaigns are currently active across the world. This board is designed to help spread the word to other 3M Marketing and Sales teams!
A strong history: How we arrived at working together in over 100 countries
Momentum Data's algorithm identified 3M's potential key target companies and contacts, and leveraged 3M's sales reps' profiles to expand their LinkedIn networks.

This enabled the generation of highly targeted and high-value sales opportunitiespromotion of events, and content distrubution.
So, how did these programs work?
3M's highest-performing messaging
Optimize the LinkedIn profiles of 3M's sales team.
Define target audience & grow network on LinkedIn.
Send messages & follow-ups using A/B-tested best practices.
3M's sales team takes over the pre-qualified conversations.

Hope you are well.

I’m reaching out to you because 3M would like to grow our partner network in the transportation design and manufacturing industry and I thought you could benefit from this. 
At 3M we see ourselves as a highly innovative partner when it comes to composite materials, lightweight solutions, structural joints, interior panel bonding and maintenance-friendly design.

I would like to connect and share some insights on how we have helped companies like yourselves to improve existing manufacturing processes.
If this interests you, could we please find some time to talk in the coming days?
Best regards,
Vielen Dank, dass Sie meine Vernetzung angenommen haben, Herr/Frau {{SECONDNAME}}
Ich habe den Kontakt zu Ihnen aufgenommen, weil wir unser Partnernetzwerk im Schienenfahrzeugbau erweitern und ich dachte, wir könnten gemeinsam davon profitieren.
Bei 3M verstehen wir uns als innovativer Partner, wenn es um Verbundwerkstoffe, Leichtbau, strukturelle Verbindungen und Innenverkleidungen geht.
Gerne würde ich in einem ersten Austausch mit Ihnen beginnen und zeigen, wo wir Menschen in ähnlichen Unternehmen wie Ihnen helfen konnte, ihre bestehenden Prozesse zu verbessern.
Hätten Sie in den kommenden Wochen einmal Zeit für einen 20-minütigen Austausch?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Thank you for connecting here {{FIRSTNAME}}

I started this conversation with you because we're growing our partner network in the railcar manufacturing industry and I thought you could benefit from this. At 3M we see ourselves as a highly innovative partner when it comes to composite materials, lightweight solutions, structural joints and interior panel bonding.

I would love to connect and share some insights on some projects where we have helped people in similar companies to you to improve their existing manufacturing processes.

Would you have some time for a 20 minute call next week?

Best regards
Examples of strong LinkedIn profiles from your colleagues
Select the icons to explore their profiles
Andrea Manzoni
Kate Rushbrooke
Cara McDonough
Uygar Şahin
Founded in 2017 and based in London & Barcelona, Momentum Data is the leading ABM Social Selling program for Enterprise Marketing & Sales teams.
Who exactly is Momentum Data?
outreach to specific, high-value target accounts 
Non-stop assistance: dedicated Account Manager walks participants through the whole process
What makes Momentum Data's campaigns uniquely effective for 3M?
Compliant & Secure to address 3M's GDPR and data security requirements
Proprietary Tech:
AI and RPA (Robotic Process Automation) allows for ABM at scale
Meet Will and Rachel,
Account Managers dedicated to 3M
Specialist in Social Selling and content creation
Originally from Dublin and recently moved to live in Barcelona
Loves cooking, is a travel enthusiast, and has always been an avid reader

Momentum Data specializes in B2B Enterprise clients in the software, technology, and industrial sectors, working with some of the largest in the world.
Specialist in Social Selling and demand generation
Grew up in London, studied in Paris, and now lives in Barcelona
Is also a keen football player, a wine enthusiast with a small tastings company, and a music lover playing several instruments

Together we have noted various campaign highlights and learnings over the past years.
Social Selling worked well to revitalize conversations with 3M's existing clients and upsell them.
Demand generation was particularly successful in new untapped markets.
Launching new products in existing markets has also been a strong use case.
Sales reps with new target territories expanded their networks at a much quicker rate.

Interested in learning more? 
We're ready to help.
Schedule a 20-minute meeting.